

好的赌博软件推荐为残疾学生提供学术住宿. These accommodations may be used during regular class time 和 also during tests, 期中考试, 期末考试. 你的教授将收到一封来自DSS的信,通知他们你需要的住宿.



这是你的责任 提供自己的录音设备. If you are unable to locate one, talk with DSS about options.

你会被要求签名 与DSS的录音协议 确保课堂录音的使用合乎道德.

在一些课堂上, 例如护理课,可以讨论特定的病人(但不确定), the need for confidentiality may supersede this accommodation. 当这种情况发生时, DSS将与教授合作,为你找到另一个可以使用材料的住处. If there is any concern about confidentiality, 您和/或您的教授可以联系DSS助理主任讨论情况.

Assignments 和 h和outs in alternative formats

你可能需要印刷材料 in alternative format in order to access the material. 其他格式可能包括放大打印、盲文或可读文本数字副本.

你应该联系你的教授 during the first two weeks of the quarter if you will need this accommodation.

只要有可能,教授 should provide the information into the format requested. You 和 your professor are welcome to use SensusAccess to translate materials into a readable format that works for you. You will need to use your SPU email address with this software. 


如果你有这种住宿, you should talk with your professor to request this accommodation.

只要有可能,你的教授 should give you lecture notes/outline prior to the beginning of each class session. 如果没有,那么你应该在课后收到课堂讲稿/提纲.

Not all professors use lecture notes/outlines. When these are not available, you can request a different option through DSS.



对于测试住宿, your professor will indicate if they would like to proctor your exam, or have you take it in the 学术支持中心's testing space.

DSS办公室的测试空间有限 which must be reserved one week in advance, by emailing dsstesting@uwe-grunwald.net

If you are taking a test in the DSS office, personal belongings are not allowed into the testing room, 除非教授允许, 或根据发展支助处工作人员的其他许可.

You are responsible for bringing your own blue book or scantron to an exam when needed.

Any other materials allowed during the exam must be identified by the professor on the Exam Accommodation Form.

因为你可能没有机会问教授澄清问题, 你可以写一个简短的解释,说明你是如何理解一个问题的,这样教授就可以更好地理解所给出的答案. 测试经理将在测试期间尽一切努力与教授联系,为您获得额外的澄清.

这是你的责任 to let your professor 和 the DSS office know 如果您已经被批准在学习中心参加考试,赌博十大靠谱软件可以为您安排时间和空间.

预约考试场地, 学生必须至少提前一周与DSS联系,以确保空间和工作人员可用. 

Generally, your test should be taken during the normal class time,除非由于住宿时间的长短或阶级冲突而无法实现.

If the DSS office testing location options are full, then arrangements should be made with the professor’s permission 在另一个时间参加考试.


额外的时间并不意味着 无限的时间. 对于大多数学生来说,额外的时间通常是课堂上所给时间的50%.


你可能需要一个安静的地方 为了考试减少分心.


要在考试中使用阅读器, you must notify the DSS office at least one week in advance of your exam. 你的阅卷人只会阅读试卷上的内容,而不会提供解释.


为考试申请抄写员, you must notify the DSS office at least one week in advance. 抄写员要准确地写下你口述的内容,而不是提供澄清.


你可能需要使用电脑 在测试期间,由于物理限制. 如果你没有自己的电脑,DSS办公室有电脑可用于测试目的. To request the use of a computer for an exam, the student must notify the DSS office at least one week in advance.


如果你的文档说明 如果需要另一种测试形式,你应该和你的教授讨论一下.

Discussion of changes to alternative formats 应该尽快开始,但不迟于本季度的第二周. These discussions should include you, your professor, 和 the DSS Manager. 

请联络决策支援处 as soon as possible if you want to request an alternate format.

其他格式可能包括 口试,多项选择,或论文考试,不同于其他班级的考试.

如果你的教授能证明 所要求的替代格式大大改变了课程的性质, then the professor has the right to refuse to provide such an accommodation.




An assistive listening device works as a personal amplifier. If you need an assistive listening device, you can check one out from the DSS office for the needed amount of time. 教授或演讲者需要佩戴一个翻领麦克风,将他们的声音传输到你的耳机. 有关如何使用辅助聆听装置的资料,可向决策支持处索取. 您有责任归还处于工作状态的助听设备.


Excessive absences due to a disability may not necessarily be accommodated, 和 requests for absences from class should be considered on an individual basis. 缺课对学习课堂材料有潜在的不利影响,并可能干扰课程的完成. If a portion of the grade is dependent on classroom participation or attendance, 和 you have (or may have) too many absences, 你应该联系你的教授,了解可能的住宿条件(如果有的话). 如果不在课堂上,您有责任获取任何遗漏的讲义或其他信息. 如果可能的话, 你应该提前计划,并在缺课之前主动与教授沟通.


大学的学术政策 赌博十大靠谱软件 取款 和 不完整的 应该遵循.

如果你获得了大部分 将信息传播到班级并未能完成期末考试, 项目, 或者纸张,因为情节缓和, your professor can choose to give you an Incomplete.

发展支助事务助理主任 在需要时充当联络人.

如果条件是这样的 it may not be possible for you to complete the required coursework in one year, 助理主任可能会鼓励你申请退出这门课程,这样你的GPA就不会因为不完整而被扣分.

根据你的经济援助, an Incomplete could affect your financial aid for the upcoming quarter or year. 请参阅 令人满意的进展政策 in the University Undergraduate Catalog for more information on financial aid.


Because not all classrooms are wheelchair-accessible, 如果你需要轮椅辅助或有其他行动困难需要搬迁班级,DSS将在新学期前两周与大学的教室调度人员一起搬迁你的班级.


If you have a temporary disability (injury) that makes mobility difficult, 您可能还需要重新定位您的类. Please contact the Assistant Director for DSS to make an accommodation request.


当您需要其他格式的书籍时,您有责任通知DSS. 请求应在季度开始前至少四周提出,以便发展支助事务办公室有足够的时间订购或转换材料.

你也可以用the SensusAccess转换工具 翻译自己的阅读材料.  Any student with an SPU email account can access this resource for free.

有声读物 may sometimes be needed for a student to gain access to the reading material. 只要有可能,可以通过“学习联盟”或其他有声书图书馆订购书籍. When books are not readily available through those sites, DSS办公室可以从学生提供的书的硬拷贝中制作书.

盲文的书 可以通过盲文图书馆借阅或通过大学翻译成盲文. This may also be a needed accommodation for classroom h和outs or exams. Students should discuss these needs with your professors.


The University recognizes that having accessible computers for doing research, 访问互联网, 和 writing papers may be crucial to a student’s learning. 请联络决策支援处 for support locating an accessibility tool on a SPU computer.   赌博十大靠谱软件有几个可访问性工具和程序,并乐于讨论. 


您可以优先注册,以便DSS办公室有时间安排您的住宿.x. interpreters, classroom relocations, or books in alternative format).

你有责任确保没有任何阻碍你注册的阻碍, 和 you should register as early as possible. If you do not register early, services 和 accommodations may be delayed.


If you have a disability that impacts your language acquisition, the possibility of a language substitution may be explored. 替代课程不能计入其他通识教育类别或专业要求,必须从批准列表中选择. 替代课程批准的程序包括在语言替代表格上.


Not all accommodations may be provided for during 留学项目. 然而,残疾学生仍然可以申请参加国际项目.
