


Professor and Co-Chair of Biology

电子邮件: cwallsch@uwe-grunwald.net
电话: 206-281-2201
办公室: 伊顿 107

教育: BA, 西雅图 Pacific University, 2000; MPhil, 剑桥大学, 2001; PhD, 剑桥大学, 2005. 自2007年起在SPU工作.

卡拉Wall-Scheffler’s research focuses on the evolution of human sexual dimorphism, particularly in the context of balancing the pressures of thermoregulation and long-distance locomotion. She has been working on this problem for over 10 years and has published numerous papers along with her students.

Her work shows very clearly that different selection pressures have acted on men and women, and that women in particular have a rare (among mammals) ability to work both efficiently (energy per unit mass) and economically (total energy) when carrying loads. Women’s abilities are due in part to their relatively small body size, relatively high surface area, relatively broader pelves, and unique methods of thermoregulating.

In addition to her research, Dr. Wall-Scheffler teaches courses in human physiology and evolutionary mechanisms, both on campus and on the 布莱克岛 Field Station.


  • 其密封,J.C.杰克逊,R。.W.希克斯,J.L.Wall-Scheffler C.M.Chang, D., & Delp,年代.L. (提交). Running in the wild: Energetics explain ecological running speeds. 自然.
  • 赫拉,M.彭泽,H.Wall-Scheffler C.M., & Sladek V. (2020). Dehydration was not a limit for persistence hunting in Homo ergaster. Journal of Human Evolution 138: 102682. 文章链接.
  • Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2019). The seasonality of site use at Taforalt. 在R.N.E. 巴顿,. Bouzouggar,年代.N. Colcutt L. 汉弗莱(Eds.), Cemeteries and Sedentism in the Later Stone Age of NW Africa: Excavations at Grotte Des Pigeons, Taforalt, 摩洛哥. 美因茨:快速地 & 斯坦纳,309-312页.
  • 长,E.S.考特尼,K.L.*,李珀特,J.C.*, & Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2019). Reduced body size of insular black-tailed deer is caused by slowed development. Oecologia 189(3): 675-685. 文章链接.
  • L•.* & Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2018). Children are not like other loads: A cross-cultural perspective on the influence of burdens and companionship on human walking. PeerJ 6: e5547. 文章链接.
  • 阿尔坎塔拉,R.* & Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2017). Stroller running: Energetic and kinematic changes across pushing methods. PLOS ONE 12(7): e0180575. 文章链接.
  • Rathkey J.* & Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2017). Do people choose to run at their optimal running speed? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163(1): 85-93. 文章链接.
  • Wall-Scheffler C.M. & 迈尔斯,M.J. (2017). The biomechanical and energetic advantages of a mediolaterally wide pelvis in women. The Anatomical Record 300(4): 764-775. 文章链接.
  • Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2015). Optimal movement speeds in human locomotion. Integrative and Comparative Biology 55(6): 1155-1165. 文章链接.
  • Wall-Scheffler C.M.J . Wagnild.M.*, & Wagler E.* (2015). Accounting for human footprint variation while performing a load-bearing task. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118619. 文章链接.
  • Wall-Scheffler C.M. (2014). The balance between burden carrying, variable terrain and thermoregulatory pressures in assessing morphological variation. 在K. 卡尔森 & D. Marchi (Eds), Reconstructing Mobility: Environmental, Behavioral and Morphological Determinants. New York: Springer Life 科学, pp. 173-192. 书的链接.

* denotes undergraduate student author

请参阅 Dr. Wall-Scheffler的简历 (PDF) for additional publications.


Meet 卡拉Wall-Scheffler

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件博士. Wall-Scheffler's teaching and research interests, and hear her advice for Biology students.




卡拉Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology

“I teach at SPU because it is a place that values academic freedom and the love of learning. We have extremely talented students and colleagues who all ask wonderful questions. It is a place that enlivens the mind and pushes ideas into new contexts.”